Process Lasso disabling BD Prochot

Started by MImi123, September 20, 2024, 09:57:07 AM

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As soon as I start Process Lasso, I can see on another software (QuicKCPU) Bi-Directional PROCHOT being disabled. Is there a setting so it wont ?

Let me know if you need any other information.

Jeremy Collake

Process Lasso doesn't directly interact with that signal. Thus, maybe what you are seeing is some effect from the active power plan/mode being switched when you start Process Lasso. Try closing Process Lasso and changing the power plan/mode manually to confirm this. If that's it, then check the log to see why the power plan/mode was changed. Let me know what the log entries say and I'll be able to advise further. You can copy/paste from the log using keyboard shortcuts.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Hi there,

Thanks for the reply. I see the power plan being the same as before starting process lasso. On another end, I see QuickCPU not being able to recognize my CPU. Hope that helps.


Playing with the power mode/plan did not show any difference. Any other lead?

Jeremy Collake

You may be seeing BD PROCHOT getting signaled due to thermal conditions, and this isn't actually related to Process Lasso. That signal can also be sent when there are power issues or faulty sensors. See this Reddit post.

You may want to uninstall Process Lasso for a while to rule it out as a factor, and keep an eye on your temperatures when this event happens. I also recommend some extended stress tests be run on the PC to ensure proper thermal management.

Let me know what you find!
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.



I do not think temperature is a factor here, as I start those software as soon as I get on. It really does trigger when I start process lasso tho.

For better understanding, see how BD Prochot is unavailable in the ss.

Jeremy Collake

Oh! I think the failure of that software to detect your CPU is central to the issue, but I cannot explain why that is. You should contact the author of that app for support, he may have more insight. At this time, I can't imagine how Process Lasso would be involved, but of course we'll keep an open mind!

We'll also run some tests to see if we can reproduce what you see. I'll let you know if those are fruitful.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.