Active processes gone..

Started by JamesCPH, October 23, 2024, 06:06:11 AM

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Hello there...

If anyone can help me with this I would be grateful :)
I have undervolted my Cpu with Intel's XTU, and updated the Bios and disabled VMX and UnderVolt Protection.

Now when I open Process Lasso the tab with active processes is empty, what could be the reason?

+ nothing works as before, I can see ....

Jeremy Collake

Those changes should not have affected the Active Processes tab, though it's possible that you don't have any processes that are exceeding the threshold. Pay attention to the slider in the upper-right and put it into the leftmost position. You can also use "Options / Tools / CPU Eater Demo" or "Options / Tools / ThreadRacer" to induce a load and test it.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Undervolting can cause stability issues if not done correctly. When you disable VMX and Undervolt Protection, this can cause some software to not recognize the current CPU state. I recommend you try adjusting the undervolt level or reset the BIOS to default and undervolt again.