Process Lasso v7.2 Released

Started by Jeremy Collake, November 15, 2014, 10:24:38 AM

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Jeremy Collake

Process Lasso v7.2


7.2EnhancementAllAdd custom 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan for NT6+
7.2EnhancementCoreGaming Mode automatically induces the new 'Bitsum Highest Performance' power plan
7.2ChangeCoreAdd a couple COMODO processes to the list of ignored processes (use of this list can be toggled in Options menu)
7.2ChangeInstallHelperChange manifest to force run with administrative rights
7.2FixParkControlMinor fix to display of number of cores parked when parking disabled
7.2ChangeLocalizationUpdate Japanese
7.2ChangeLocalizationUpdate Italian
7.2ChangeLocalizationUpdate German
7.2ChangeLocalizationUpdate Russian

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.