[Fixed]Some sysinternals tools(Autoruns PStools) are having issues

Started by BenYeeHua, August 30, 2014, 10:34:04 AM

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If you are using Autoruns to disable some Explorer dll(shell dll), it will remove the current registry value and showing it fail to find the file.

Based on the PSTools, it look like somehow it will replace the space into ":", for example, "Program Files" will become "Program:Files" and fail....

For Autoruns, you can use CCleaner as a temp software to disable context menu dll, or older Autoruns if you still has it on your hard disk. :)


Bitsum QA Engineer


Yup, and lucky I am using it for control the software that I can get the context menu back very easy, like the Winrar. ;)


I forgot to update this post, this issues is fixed, but still remember to back up the registry before you change it, it may still got some hidden bugs. :)