Automatically change Lasso profile

Started by anatolewilson, July 24, 2024, 03:31:01 AM

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Process Lasso has a feature called Lasso Profiles (not to be confused with process power profiles). As things are now, I find little use for the feature if I have to manually change them from the UI as needed. Therefore I request a way to link a process to a profile - better yet, change to a user-selected profile as the user starts a Steam game, just like inducing the performance power profile kicks in. After all, Process Lasso is all about automation, is it not?

Jeremy Collake

That's what the Config Profile Switcher feature does. Let me know how it goes if you try it!
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Your suggestion to link processes to specific Lasso profiles and automate profile changes based on events like starting a Steam game is an excellent one. It aligns perfectly with Process Lasso's core function of automating process management. I think so...