Default CPU Affinity

Started by mrthecomputernewb, May 23, 2024, 01:03:58 AM

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Hey guys! I'm currently trying to run a Minecraft server off of my computer and want to dedicate 2 threads to it and nothing else. I've figured out how to do this but in order to stop games from using them I have to open each one up and set the affinity. Is there a way so that all applications use a certain affinity by default?


Hey, you can take a look at my rule

/^([^,]*,){2}(?!system,|registry,|memory compression,|secure system,)/
It does select everything but system, registry, etc... which cannot be moved to other cores. You can add whatever process name you want inside the brackets by following the scheme.

Put that at the bottom of your rules without the cores you want to keep for windows server (ie: 2-16 or 0-14, etc.. you decides)

I suggest you to use CPU sets instead of CPU affinities as those last aren't well received by every processes.


Sorry could you walk me through it? I'm kind of a noob at this stuff. If I'm reading this right you're saying to make a new rule in CPU Sets and put that code in the process match? If so do I leave the CPU sets box empty? (The one under process match). Thanks for your time!


Yes you write that in the process match box but you must select whatever cores you'd like with the select button
You'll get something like this, and then click add rule
