I can't get park control to disable itself after I close it

Started by justaquestion, July 19, 2024, 04:24:02 AM

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park control works somewhat great. before my cpus wattage was about 7 to 9 watts at idle. now with park control with a core ultra 5 125u its 3-4 watts at idle.


background:(skip ahead)

but I used this page to set the maximum performance state of the p cores and e cores. for some reason my laptop won't allow the power options to be changed without using add key hkey using the command line. it may also have been fixed inadvertedly by setting speedshift to minimum 36 maximum 36. the max turbo speed of the e cores but not of the p cores.

 basically when playing games my e cores are at max speed and my p cores are under the speed of the e cores. im getting great fps in games. I just wish intel wouldn't gimp their u processors. with intels previous generation it was clear that the g processors had good integrated graphics. with the h and u processors in the core ultra. its not entirely clear why the h processor has the full gpu. in any case I was able to optimize and get good fps in many games. how bad the chip is is a bit exaggerated since it works great in directx12 games. I get 22 fps in cyberpunk with ultra textures. 

crusp of the issue:
so essentially I had the e cores at their max speed and the p cores below that potentially because of some powercfg changes made to one of the power profiles. I have two problems with park control. I would like to park all but 2 of the cores. the only cores I want running is the ultra efficiency e cores. and I suppose a couple efficiency cores to run the operating system. so I was hoping it could read 4 of 14. but it always reads 7 or 9 out of 14. I had it set to 2 for parking percentage. Ive had freq scaling set to 5 and to 100 so essentially off. both ways I got the exact same results. Ive been monitoring the clock speeds with throttlestop. the second problem I have is that park control doesn't undo its changes on exit. it seems to hook into the power plan and make the changes permanent. its a really neat program but it would be nice if the changes were temporary. essentially what I want to do is when I use firefox or play among us. I put both of those processes on the ultra efficiency cores. I close all background processes and park almost all the cores but the high efficiency cores. I have a 56000 mah battery and the most ive been able to get from the battery life is 4 hours. I got 3 hours playing sonic frontiers so that was pretty neat but playing among us really should use less wattage. it was only using 5 watts of power. as it was run only on the ultra efficiency cores I thought itd be less. process lasso and park control really perform miracles. I would be neat if I could just switch between the way I already set up my computer. I suppose I could set up two power profiles and that would fix it.


well it looks like the microsoft page didn't do anything. but changing the power profile restored the clock speeds so it does appear to be hooking in to the balance profile. its not a big a deal. but maybe the park control program should back up the power profile before its modified. actually now im confused I switched to another power profile and then back to balanced and now the core parking settings are disabled. so I don't know how it works.


sorry I was listening to music with windows media player. theres a strange behavior with windows media player music and core ultra cpus. when playing music the efficiency cores and performance cores clock down. it makes no sense. games firefox. the computer being at idle nothing causes the efficiency cores and performance cores to clock down except for windows media player. I apologize. still would like to know how to get core parking to park all but 4 cores but its a pretty effective program.


with wmplayer not playing. the frequencies stay the same as when im gaming but now they park to 6 out of 14 which is perfect. does wmplayer use avx2 or something. im using windows 10. with park control im getting about 3.6 watts.

Jeremy Collake

You're right that ParkControl's changes aren't undone at exit. It simply adjusts the power plans settings in accordance with your directives. Those changes persist. However, there is a 'Restore Defaults' link for system stock power plans that you can use to reset to defaults. It'll show when that action is possible.

Also since it is only adjusting power plan settings, its capabilities are limited to what the system can do. More granular control of which cores are parked simply isn't always possible. That said, you can get pretty deep in the weeds with advanced power plan settings, so maybe you can tune it to come close to your objective, but I don't have guidance on that.

Please let me know if this doesn't address your concerns.

Thank you

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.
