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Changes in 3.54.8

Started by Ruhe, April 22, 2009, 01:30:06 PM

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I don't see much of anything. The HTML is rendering garbage for mos of the page. :(
Neal Laugman

Neal Technical Services,  Healy, AK

Jeremy Collake

The changes are a change to the default width of the CPU % column, a back port of fixes to TestLasso, language updates and fixes, and some tweaks to reduce nag annoyance.

As for the revision history being rendered wrong.. I dunno about that. I will check the HTML to see if it has any gross errors.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


If you have an Adblocker (such as Proxomitron) enabled, the changelog will be all gibberish. If you disable all Adblockers it works.
Process Lasso Pro with Lifetime updates since 2009-05-14, Entire home since 2010-12-14.

Jeremy Collake

Quote from: boco on April 23, 2009, 07:17:36 PM
If you have an Adblocker (such as Proxomitron) enabled, the changelog will be all gibberish. If you disable all Adblockers it works.

Wow, that sure is strange. The change log is a pretty straight forward HTML document, with nothing complex going on, and no references to other sites. This has to be a bug in one or more AdBlockers, and even they somehow misidentified the change log as an advertisement, they shouldn't gibberize it (yes, I made that word up ;p).
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.



No comment.  ::)
Process Lasso Pro with Lifetime updates since 2009-05-14, Entire home since 2010-12-14.


Wow - I don't get chinese - just garbage, but it is OK now.

I looked at the offending HTML and cannot find what is doing this. I would however, recommend a suitable doctype for that particular page, such as:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

There must have been something in the code that caused browser confusion regarding encoding, causing the browser to render it with some random and inapporopriate source encoding. Interesting...
Neal Laugman

Neal Technical Services,  Healy, AK

Jeremy Collake

Thanks, I must admit that I get a little lazy sometimes with my HTML ;o. I will add a doctype now.

For the record, I'm using the Adblock Plus Firefox extension and haven't seen this occur. So, it may be a specific bug to certain ad blocker(s) - that share something in common (if multiple ones are indeed affected).
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Using Opera 9.64 here most of the time, but I did check the page with Firefox 3.x and had the same problem. That's why I thought it was an interesting problem - mainly because I could not figure it out and it pissed me off! LOL

I'll get back to you on Mon with an x64 report and maybe a screen video if I can manage. TheBat's mail-ticker is a very interesting indicator of throttling that I don't think I can do justice to through words alone. Again - no major probs here but still looking at things and learning about the app so I can handle it better. Enjoy your weekend and cheers.
Neal Laugman

Neal Technical Services,  Healy, AK