Little effort to bring more people in to software ...

Started by Hypnotic, January 27, 2025, 01:46:15 PM

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Introduction :
I have a suggestion that will save a lot of people time and trouble .
The Proublem :
I see people everywhere installing and searching for how to use PL just for games and in the process making a real mess of their computer also, many people who don't understand what they're doing are claiming what the best settings are, even YouTube is full of influencers like this (i'm sure this growing madness will only drive away a large portion of those who don't understand the software and no one wants that) also not to mention what happens if you write gaming / game / fps on the forum :D .
So far my impression :
I am one of those people who want to reduce input lag in games ( to clarify it i'm still learning and i'm not pretending to be some kind of guru ) and out of games to have a perfectly cooled and quiet computer combined with full control in all states, i do a lot of things with windows and bios and will continue to do so here comes the proecess lasso (i really love it this is great software), but as i mentioned, people abuse it .
The Proposal 1 :
Please make in the GAMING section of the site a simple step-by-step guide for really stupid and not fully educated people with pictures how and what to change (only for games) for stable fps, for low input lag, for cool hardware, etc. or just return the GAMING MODE button from Induce Performance Mode the madness should be killed as much as possible .
Proposal 2 :
is to gather a few dedicated trusted people from the forum ( in the name of the software ) who will do the work of testing and creating a few guides in this gaming section for the most famous games so people can educate themselves to some level .

Im fingers crossed for better software you are the best ...

Jeremy Collake

We've long considered something along these lines and definitely endeavor to simplify the configuration process. We'll see what we can do! I'll post any news about that effort here.

This forum might be a good place to hash out settings for particular games. I've created a sub-board for that purpose:

Thanks for the feedback!
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.