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Started by bcfc, September 03, 2010, 01:43:08 PM

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Hi. Great program! Love it. Hopefully you may be able to help with my problem. I have Keyscrambler installed and would not be without it. However,every now and then it hogs all the cpu and slows everything to a crawl. Your program has helped somewhat but Keyscrambler is still hogging more resources than i would like. If i elect to throttle its usage i get a "dire" warning about doing so.
Considering the security implications of Keyscrambler not operating correctly,and thereby possibly revealing passwords etc. what is your advice?  Thanks in advance........... Lawrence.

Jeremy Collake

The dire warning is there for a good reason, so let me second it - do NOT use the 'CPU Throttling' on that process (or any other process). It is really only for very specialized applications. I shouldn't have ever added it, or maybe hidden it better. Some people wanted it for specific, advanced usage.

ProBalance is likely doing all it can already, lowering the KeyScrambler's priority when necessary. If KeyScrambler is consuming that many resources, there is no way to magically make it not consume them. The best you can do is what Process Lasso is already doing, allow other processes a chance to use the CPU as well.

So, sadly, my advice is that there is no action you can take that is likely to further help ;o.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Thanks for the prompt reply.(and the warning) I can solve the problem by exiting and then restarting Keyscrambler,so it is nothing more than an annoyance,and Process Lasso is helping somewhat. Thanks again...Keep up the good work!.....Lawrence.

Jeremy Collake

Quote from: bcfc on September 04, 2010, 05:06:52 AM
Thanks for the prompt reply.(and the warning) I can solve the problem by exiting and then restarting Keyscrambler,so it is nothing more than an annoyance,and Process Lasso is helping somewhat. Thanks again...Keep up the good work!.....Lawrence.

WAIT! In that case I *do* have a *potential* solution for you in the latest beta. I added a new 'process watchdog'. You can set it so that whenever KeyScrambler.exe is consuming too many CPU cycles or virtual memory it is restarted ;). That is just what you need, I think -- though I worry about the current implementation as it forcibly terminates the process, and I need to change that to attempted politely terminate before restart to ensure no data is lost in case you are actively using the app.

So... If you want to experiment... Otherwise, wait until v4 final and you will have something that can help ;)
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


That sounds just what i need! I will wait until v4 final. Many thanks......Lawrence