QoL - About rules priorities

Started by TheRealBix, May 20, 2024, 03:46:56 PM

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Context : I have a set of main rules that apply to almost every processes, on top of which they are manual rules I set for specific ones.

Issue : when I add a rule, it stacks to the end of the pile, where the priority is the lowest. The same applies when I edit a rule from main window by right clicking.
Be cause the newly edited rule is sent to the bottom of the pile, behind the main rule, it doesn't have any effect, I have to go to the rule panel and increase/decrease rule order manually.

Fix : Add new rules to the top and keep manually edited rules to the same position.

Current behaviour when we add or edit rules :

Desirable behaviour :

Jeremy Collake

Thank you for the well-structured report!

I agree that new rules should be inserted at the top, and that the rule position after edit shouldn't change.

I've created an issue to track this and will reply again with any further news.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.

Jeremy Collake

New rules are inserted into the beginning of lists as of v14.0.4.11 beta. This affects all features when rules are added by either the process context menu or config dialogs.

The preserve position on edit is still pending.

If you try the beta, please do let me know if you run into any trouble!
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Hi Jeremy, I think those last updates have broken the rule priorities.

Priorities go all over the place each time I click OK.

Jeremy Collake

I do see the CPU Sets dialog is reordering rules when it saves. We'll get that taken care of. Apologies!

If necessary, you can temporarily revert to an older version here: https://bitsum.com/support/show_all_versions.php?ProductID=64435
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.

Jeremy Collake

This issue is fixed as of v14.1.1.9 beta. It impacted the CPU Sets, Watchdog, and Efficiency Mode dialogs. The code pattern on those features was slightly different than the others, resulting in this bug that we simply missed in testing. Thank you for reporting it, and if you see any other problems, please let me know.

A new release version will be published soon.

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.