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Cpu % info

Started by Peppo, May 29, 2024, 09:44:16 AM

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A greeting
I was trying the process lasso program, it's version
I noticed that even if all the cores of the Intel 12600k CPU work at 100% even for prolonged periods, for example for video re-compression, even if it appears from the task manager, in the process lasso program it results at a low %, I also noticed that pro balance, perhaps for this very reason, does not come into operation.
I wonder if this is correct or should I set some options, thanks

Jeremy Collake

The process list is showing CPU Time % while the graphs are showing CPU Utility %.

(Below text partially taken from FAQ)

There are two common types of CPU use measurements, CPU Time (%) and CPU Utility (%).

CPU Utility takes into account frequency scaling, and can exceed 100%.

In the Process Lasso status bar, both CPU Time and CPU Utility are shown.

Task Manager will show CPU Utility in its "Processes" view, while Process Lasso shows per-process measurements in CPU Time. Elsewhere, Process Lasso shows CPU Utility %, like Task Manager. If you switch to Task Manager's "Details" view, you'll see CPU Time measurements instead, which should match Process Lasso.

Although CPU Utility can exceed 100%, its display is capped at 100% in some areas, such as the graph. Task Manager also caps it. Other areas, such as the status bar and tooltips, will show the actual CPU Utility.

You can switch the Process Lasso graphs to CPU Time by unchecking menu item 'View / Show CPU Utility % instead of CPU Time %'.

For more information on CPU Utility vs CPU Time, read Task Manager's CPU numbers are all but meaningless.

As for ProBalance, it uses CPU Time, so I'm guessing you didn't hit threshold on it, or there were other reasons to exclude the process.

Does this answer your concern?
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Thank you, the explanation helped me better understand some things about the program.
So there isn't a column where the CPU usage for the single application is displayed like in the status bar (which is global) to know the actual usage of the single application?

Jeremy Collake

Quote from: Peppo on May 29, 2024, 04:13:59 PMThank you, the explanation helped me better understand some things about the program.
So there isn't a column where the CPU usage for the single application is displayed like in the status bar (which is global) to know the actual usage of the single application?

Correct, the per-process CPU Utility is not currently shown, only CPU Time. However, you can extrapolate from CPU Time your biggest consumers.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Quote from: Jeremy Collake on May 30, 2024, 03:24:39 PMCorrect, the per-process CPU Utility is not currently shown, only CPU Time. However, you can extrapolate from CPU Time your biggest consumers.

Small regret, it is a really useful function, it would not be so bad if it were implemented

I also liked to find the translation into Italian, but in the CPU priority list, both current and always, I found this inaccuracy, of which I suggest the correction, thanks

Jeremy Collake

We've definitely got per-process CPU utility on the radar and may add it in the future.

Thanks for the heads up on that Italian language inconsistency! It's now been fixed to your suggestion for future builds.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


I also found this small incorrectness for the Italian, which I report with the possible correction.

For better or for worse this function is also interesting, it is a pity that even if it is activated,
there is not or does not appear, a change of state (in the priority column)
for the foreground application (can be seen by dual screen, or by keeping in separate windows),
as I suppose it should be, even if I could be wrong


I found a further imperfection

from the icon in the tray, right click, stop the governor: when it is reactivated the "crossed out" icon remains and when passing with the mouse the governor disabled warning appears (be careful the engine is not running) but it works and has been reactivated
the imperfection appears in both English and Italian

Jeremy Collake

The tray icon may take one to two GUI refresh intervals to change after restarting the Governor. By default, that's 1 second. Does the tray icon continue to show 'disabled' indefinitely in your case? There are some things we can do to make it more instantaneous, but I'd first like to confirm if that state is persisting indefinitely.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Clarifications: using "show process lasso icon only" the icon does not return to "normal" indefinitely
on the contrary with "show system responsiveness" or "show total CPU usage" the icon returns to "normal"
GUI refresh is 1 second

Jeremy Collake

Ah, thanks! This is now fixed as of v14.2.0.27 beta.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


With a quick post and with courtesy I inform that the small error reported in my post:
"June 22, 2024, 01:22:48 PM" is still present

However, happy to find in the new version the excellent improvements

Jeremy Collake

Thanks for the reminder! We'll take care of that Italian language issue in v5.0.0.19 BETA, when available.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.