Is there a rule to automate CCD priority?

Started by BoneZ, August 01, 2024, 08:17:09 AM

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I have an AMD CPU with two CCD's. Is there a way to set a rule that every new process gets sent to a specific CCD (or even CPU set) unless I specify otherwise? I would like all processes when they start, to be sent to CCD1 so that only games and other process that don't need interruptions go to CCD0 when I set them to.

Jeremy Collake

You can create a broad match rule, even as broad a simple "*" wildcard, and position that last in your list of CPU Affinities or CPU Sets. That will cause all processes you don't have overriding rules set for to default to those CPU cores.

In practice, you may want to be a little less broad than "*", such as "*\program*" to match most applications running on your PC while excluding most system components.

Example attached.

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Thank you for the helpful answer. I've taken care of most system processes either with affinity or CPU sets. Just wanted to have a way that any new process gets sent to the second CCD unless I specify otherwise. Appreciate the help!