Power plan switching, ParkControl vs Lasso

Started by mattskiiau, August 26, 2024, 09:25:11 PM

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Hey all,

Just wondering what your preferred or most optimized way of doing this is.

Currently, I have my own custom made power plan which down clocks and in turn, lowers voltages for my cpu in idle states very quickly.

I want to stop using it and have an out of the box solution, something like Highest Perf -> Balance plan in 1 sec timeout.
Should provide the same type of scenario of lowering clocks and voltages while browsing and watching youtube (I hope).

Would it be better to use Lasso for this or ParkControl?
Do they recognize "idle" differently?
Any other differences that are documented with Idlesaver(Lasso) vs Dynamic Boost(ParkControl)?

Thank you.

I have found a difference between the Lasso and PCP.
It seems Lasso is preventing Balance mode from downclocking the CPU, even with performance mode disabled and Freq Scaling set to 5% in PCP.
Is there a feature I'm missing in Lasso to prevent down clocking? 

Jeremy Collake

Use Process Lasso's IdleSaver or ParkControl's Dynamic Boost, but don't use both. If you try to use both, Dynamic Boost will be disabled.

They do the same thing and detect idle the same way.

Process Lasso doesn't directly affect CPU downclocking. That is controlled by the power plan attributes. If your target idle power plan is configured as desired, it should be working. If you continue to encounter that, we can try to ferret out what you're seeing.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Thanks Jeremy,

I've been able to figure it out. Setting freq to 1% via PCP allowed balance profile to down clock correctly. For some reason 5% wasn't lowering it for some reason.

Happy with the setup now, thanks!