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Power Plan

Started by Hammer, August 31, 2024, 01:49:07 PM

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Hi, I'm running Process Lasso Pro on Server 2022.  The server is primarily used as a file server and hence to save power, its power plan is Power Saver.  On occasion, I also run a program called HQPlayer which requires a lot of processing power to upsample music I am listening to.  This program is running all the time since it is called "on demand" to upsample when I listen to music.  When it's not upsampling, CPU % is 0-1%.  When it is processing music, the cores it uses will be close to 100%.  Is there a way for process lasso to detect its CPU usage and change the plan to Higher Performance so that the frequency of the CPU is not limited?  For example, set Power Plan to Power Saver when CPU usage % is < 5% and change to Higher Performance when it's > 5%?

Or is there another way to accomplish the same?  Which is when it's processing music, increase the cpu frequency and when it's not, set CPU to idle?

Process Watch Dog doesn't work for this situation since the Program is always running...

Thank you

Jeremy Collake

There is not currently a way to change the power plan based on resource utilization. However, it is on the agenda, and I've given it a bump up in the queue. Upon any news, I'll reply again here.

Sorry I can't be of more help today!
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Thanks for the update!  Looking forward to the feature.  Right now, I've set a watch dog to chance priority to high when % > 5%.  And it helps.  But just out of curiosity, where do I see the list of rules?  When I select it under the menu, no rules are shown, but yet, the rule is working...

Jeremy Collake

Do you mean the Watchdog action you set isn't shown in the "CPU Priority / Always" submenu? That's appropriate since the Watchdog rules are separate from all other rules and won't be reflected in the process context menu. Otherwise, you can see the Watchdog rules under "Options / Control / Process Watchdog (advanced rules)". If you mean something else, please clarify.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Sorry, please ignore...user error!


Hi, just a follow up...I'm using watch dog and have two rules:

Set process priority to Real time if CPU % > 3 for more than 1 sec
set process priority to Normal if CPU % < 3 for more than 1 sec

When I am using HQPlayer and the process lasso screen is consistently showing CPU usage > 20%, the priority level is switching back to Normal from Real time. 

Any reason why that would be?

Jeremy Collake

What does the Process Lasso log say? Do you see it changing the priority to normal? HQPlayer could be adjusting its own priority as well.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.