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autorun entry

Started by gluca1, January 09, 2010, 10:45:56 AM

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I've found an annoyng error on every version.
I use the free version of process lasso at my home.
When I install the new version, it delete some registry entry on the run, runonce,etc., registry.
Probably it depend by a change on the installation, for all user or current user only. I don't remember the choise on the first install. Now I install for all user but, every time, I've to save and add the registry key that I've saved.
What I can do for to fi this error?
Thanks and bye.

Jeremy Collake

Yes, when you install the product it will first clear out its existing auto-start registry entries, preparing you to set new ones during the install process. Still, it should default to whatever your previous settings were .. allowing you to click 'Next' and the same auto-start configuration you had before will persist. Is this not the case?

Can you please explain how this is causing you problems again? I am sorry, but I can not understand your English well enough. I will be sure to fix any problem if you can explain it to me.

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


I installed ProLasso [FREE] and I haven't encountered problems with autostarting apps. Registry [Run keys] also untouched.


First of all, I'm sorry for my bad English. I'm Italian and I try to communicate to you...
I don't remember the latest and the first mode of installation. I'm sure to have chose the two possibilities: install for "current user only" and "for all user".
Well, after to have changed the mode, the program have cleaned the string on the windows registry.
Important: I've try to disinstall, not to simply install, over a previous version, after the update but teh problem still remain.
I'm investigating the problem. After, not before, I choose the installation mode, for all user or current user, for sure it delete the keys on  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. It don't replace that, simply delete.
I write a partial report of my configuration:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer                                 8.0.6001.18702 (IE 8.0)
Excluding the default XP user (administrator, guest, etc.) there’s only one user that I use for the access, with administrator privilege.
If you need something else, you ask me and I’ll write.
Thanks and bye, Gianluca.

Jeremy Collake

Quote from: gluca1 on January 11, 2010, 03:27:54 PM
First of all, I'm sorry for my bad English. I'm Italian and I try to communicate to you...
I don't remember the latest and the first mode of installation. I'm sure to have chose the two possibilities: install for "current user only" and "for all user".
Well, after to have changed the mode, the program have cleaned the string on the windows registry.
I'm investigating the problem. After, not before, I choose the installation mode, for all user or current user, for sure it delete the keys on  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. It don't replace that, simply delete.
I write a partial report of my configuration:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer                                 8.0.6001.18702 (IE 8.0)
Excluding the default XP user (administrator, guest, etc.) there’s only one user that I use for the access, with administrator privilege.
If you need something else, you ask me and I’ll write.
Thanks and bye, Gianluca.

Thanks for more clearly explaining this. I think I understand now that you are saying the Process Lasso install removes itself from the registry Run key, but doesn't put itself back? I have not seen this occur, but will investigate to see if I can reproduce that.

My next question is: What version of Process Lasso are you using? The new beta version, or the last final version?

Also: Do you have any anti-malware, anti-virus, or security software on your computer that may be blocking attempts to add new auto-start programs to the registry 'Run' key?

Thank you for reporting the anomaly. I will definitely be investigating this further.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Now I'm using the v3.70.7 [32]
Please note that I use only the stable version that I could find using the upadte control on the program .

Probably there's could be some antivirus or antispyware that could be block the autorun entries (I've thinked that).
I use NOD 32, Outpost firewall and windows defender. I could think that it's windows defender..
I've have choose to protect the autostart entry and the others things on real-time protection.
It could be this?

Jeremy Collake

Quote from: gluca1 on January 11, 2010, 03:52:41 PM
I've have choose to protect the autostart entry and the others things on real-time protection.
It could be this?

Yes, it might be. I am still checking that carefully, as part of the new v3.80 testing. If I discover any problems, I will post them here.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.

Jeremy Collake

Its possible that this was caused by an anomaly in the beta code. I corrected a couple special circumstances. If v3.80 still fails to restore its autorun entries, I'll continue looking for theoretical possible scenarios in which this could occur. It may very well be the third-party software though, please do check to see if it is giving any indication of blocking any new auto-startup entries.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


I've installed the latest version 3.80.
I've removed the real time protection of windos defender.
The problem still remain.
The installation clear the autorun entries of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
If I install another software that need an autorun entries, it will be write on the registry.
So there insn't limitation.

Jeremy Collake

Ok, thanks for the report, and I'm sorry it still isn't working. It is strange, and I've not reproduced this troubles in my test beds. I also haven't heard any other user reports of it. I will try to replicate your software environment better and see if I can figure out what's going on. I had hoped that the tweaks I made in v3.80 fixed it, but apparently not. If I better replicate your system's state, then maybe I can determine the actual cause.

I may need additional information from you, and will request it here if so...

Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.

Jeremy Collake

During the install, I assume you are going all the way through the InstallHelper dialogs, right? You aren't prematurely closing it? I am just checking... I am about to run extended testing under XP, simulating some conditions to see if I can figure out how this would occur.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.

Jeremy Collake

Hi my friend. I am very sorry, but I've still not reproduced any such errata. Can you please help me determine how this is happening on your system? I will give you a free license for your help in debugging this.. I just have a few questions, and may need you to send additional system info. Please let me know if you're 'up for it'.

Thanks ;)
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Please, you say to me what I can do. I could send to you a report for my configuration, for hardware and software.
Please note that I live in Italy and I see the mails or the messages only after the 20:00.

Jeremy Collake

Great, thanks ;)

  • First can you tell me the options you select during the install process? I believe you said it didn't matter which options you select (i.e. highest rights, or not)? You DO see the options correctly, right?
  • Are you running as a 'limited user' or 'administrative user'?
  • Are you using English in the product? If not, have you tried uninstalling the product, the reinstalling and selecting ENGLISH? The problem could be related to your translation used..

More questions coming, and perhaps some detailed info about your system and software on it.. which we can do in private.

Thank you.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.