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Started by Claw, October 10, 2019, 03:50:23 PM

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Can Process Lasso be used right out of the box? Will it still work if it's just installed and left to run without any setting changes or tweaking?


Quote from: Claw on October 10, 2019, 03:50:23 PM
Can Process Lasso be used right out of the box? Will it still work if it's just installed and left to run without any setting changes or tweaking?
Most definitely, that is the way it was designed.
Bitsum QA Engineer



To tag on to this question... how can you restore default settings to Process Lasso and all applications? I've seen suggestions of using a shortcut but I don't know how to do that... TIA


Quote from: kubkat on January 31, 2020, 08:17:37 AM
To tag on to this question... how can you restore default settings to Process Lasso and all applications? I've seen suggestions of using a shortcut but I don't know how to do that... TIA
It depends on what you changed but a global reset will put all settings to the original first run of the installer. Menu options>"reset all configurations to default".

On the other hand, say you manually set a few processes to altered priorities, you can see the rules of these in the GUI process list, right-click on the process and go to (the type of priority) "always">none (note you can do this with all types of priorities).
Last if you had like 20 processes with again CPU priorities, just go to CPU priority setting window (menu "options"> "CPU"> configure persistent CPU priorities and remove all the processes from the list.

That should cover most uses of resetting, you can also just make a new profile too (I would click on "reset all configurations to default" after making just to be sure no settings moved to new profile).
Bitsum QA Engineer


Quote from: edkiefer on January 31, 2020, 09:08:38 AM
It depends on what you changed but a global reset will put all settings to the original first run of the installer. Menu options>"reset all configurations to default".

On the other hand, say you manually set a few processes to altered priorities, you can see the rules of these in the GUI process list, right-click on the process and go to (the type of priority) "always">none (note you can do this with all types of priorities).
Last if you had like 20 processes with again CPU priorities, just go to CPU priority setting window (menu "options"> "CPU"> configure persistent CPU priorities and remove all the processes from the list.

That should cover most uses of resetting, you can also just make a new profile too (I would click on "reset all configurations to default" after making just to be sure no settings moved to new profile).

Thanks for this info. Not at my computer at the moment but I’m really most interested in resetting a single application (a game) back to default settings but it seems to revert back. This seems to be happening specifically with the SMT settings.

When I’m at my computer I can provide some more details if needed.

Jeremy Collake

Do the rules still appear in Process Lasso when it reverts?

If so, some applications may need 'Options / Forced mode' applied. Otherwise, Process Lasso won't try to fight with an application that is setting its own CPU attributes.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


Quote from: kubkat on January 31, 2020, 09:20:12 AM
Thanks for this info. Not at my computer at the moment but I’m really most interested in resetting a single application (a game) back to default settings but it seems to revert back. This seems to be happening specifically with the SMT settings.

When I’m at my computer I can provide some more details if needed.
If you had enabled Game/Performance mode for that game, a "Reset all configuration settings" will remove it and as Jeremy noted the rules column will show whats been altered.
Bitsum QA Engineer


Quote from: Jeremy Collake on January 31, 2020, 09:31:48 AM
Do the rules still appear in Process Lasso when it reverts?

If so, some applications may need 'Options / Forced mode' applied. Otherwise, Process Lasso won't try to fight with an application that is setting its own CPU attributes.

Yes the rules show that SMT is disabled only using Cores 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14. But under ‘Current’ all cores are selected.

It is the ‘Always’ section that shows Cores 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 as disabled and which seems to revert back after a time even after I select all cores.

Im recalling from memory so I will try to provide more info in a few hours.

Jeremy Collake

Is 'Options / Forced mode' checked?

If not, check that option and it will probably fix your issue.
Software Engineer. Bitsum LLC.


It was not checked. I went in and checked it and applied the settings that I wanted. Hopefully that will fix 'er. Thanks!