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Process Lasso / Re: [Suggestion] Process Lasso...
Last post by Jeremy Collake - June 19, 2024, 11:25:10 AM
Here's a start as of v14.2.0.1 beta. I understand your suggestion goes beyond this, and more work is planned.

(1) GUI: Demarcate cache centric CPU cores in context menus with an appendage (amd-x3d)
(1) GUI: Add 'Freq' and 'Cache' core selection buttons on the CPU affinity and sets dialogs (amd-x3d)

General / Re: Can't reconfigure the way ...
Last post by literaturestork - June 19, 2024, 03:40:57 AM
Quote from: Seir1993 on May 21, 2024, 11:25:42 PMProcess Lasso Install Assistant window doesn't show up though installhelper.exe is running ( in ProcessExplorer "Properties" dialog, after I click "Bring to Front" button, it says "No visible windows found for this process"). Can't reconfigure the way Process Lasso starts.scratch geometry dash
In Safe Boot all works fine.
When dealing with the issue where the Process Lasso Install Assistant window doesn't show up but the installhelper.exe process is running, it's helpful to troubleshoot the problem step by step. Since it works fine in Safe Boot, this indicates that something in the normal startup environment is interfering with the installer.
General / Re: What's specifically happen...
Last post by kanetracy - June 19, 2024, 02:55:44 AM
If your computer is running multiple applications at once, consuming a lot of memory and processing power, the browser may experience slowdowns when attempting to load new tabs.
The browser may experience difficulties loading, processing, and displaying a tab with excessively complex content, such as a web page with numerous photos or videos or an application that requires a lot of processing power. This phenomenon is known as tab overload.
Extensions for your browser: When loading data or handling duties associated with the current tab, some extensions could slow down your browser. Delays may occur on sometimes because this add-on isn't always compatible with the browser or has issues. 
Browser or OS updates: Sometimes, when you update your browser or OS, there can be compatibility issues that cause tabs to load slowly.
Process Lasso / Re: 7950X3D: CPU Sets behave l...
Last post by wyliec2 - June 18, 2024, 05:22:47 PM
Quote from: Jeremy Collake on June 16, 2024, 01:21:23 PMYMMV, so I encourage you to try CPU Sets. If you are beyond your trial period, then you can request a refund after purchase if it doesn't work out for you.

I tried it and unfortunately the result is exactly like CPU Affinity. Creating a CPU set rule locks the process to only those logical processors with no spillover to other idle cores.
Process Lasso / Re: [Suggestion] Process Lasso...
Last post by Jeremy Collake - June 18, 2024, 02:50:41 AM
I think it's a great suggestion, and this has been on the radar. We'll see what we can do ;).
Process Lasso / Re: Trim working sets (Smarttr...
Last post by riley - June 17, 2024, 06:02:41 PM
Process Lasso / [Suggestion] Process Lasso mar...
Last post by Coldblackice - June 17, 2024, 03:53:46 PM
There's an opportunity for Process Lasso to market to AMD X3D owners in particular in lieu of X3D's CCD scheduling juggling (one CCD with the extra CPU cache, the other without it), particularly to gamers.

I know you're surely already aware of this context/situation. I've just seen suggested again and again across tech forums, subreddits, comment sections, Discord servers, etc. that users utilize Process Lasso to better handle their X3D's core/CCD assigning instead of leaving it to Microsoft/Windows clunky "Game Bar" to do so, which decides what programs are games or not. Much better to not have to use the "Game Bar" at all, if possible.

While it's been great seeing the many suggestions for users to use PL for this, I've noticed a lot of users' confusion as to what to do + how to properly set up PL to do this. Not the fault of PL, of course, it's a technical subject that many can't be bothered to learn.

My suggestion would be to add some sort of in-PL function that more or less abstracts the process of X3D affinity/core/CCD assignment behind the curtain, e.g. some sort of "(X3D) Gamer" button that knows whether an X3D is in use (and with >1 CCD), offering the user a choice to have PL automatically optimize by doing the affinity/CCD assignment puppet-stringing -- without the user having to understand the underpinnings of it.

I feel this would be a boost for PL use/sales!

Obviously the ideal would be all users understanding the nitty-gritty fundamentals of this, but the reality is most can't be bothered to do so. I think PL could benefit by implementing a function and marketing to this group of users.

Especially with the coming release of AMD's 9000 series of X3D CPUs, which will be releasing a few months from now.

"button" or similar that basically

for users who don't have the knowledge to do so manually (nor interest to learn) -- I think this would be a boost for PL use/sales/recognition.

some tweaks of PL's main page to highlight
Process Lasso / Re: Trim working sets (Smarttr...
Last post by Jeremy Collake - June 17, 2024, 08:38:35 AM
Generally not.
General / Re: Difference between termina...
Last post by Jeremy Collake - June 17, 2024, 08:38:06 AM
Quote from: riley on June 17, 2024, 02:58:43 AMThank you. Is there a way to make an application not run when processlasso is running(all the time for me) or to make it terminate it on startup?

Yes, that is the Disallowed Processes feature. See
General / Re: Do some experiment with ex...
Last post by carefulcontest - June 17, 2024, 06:49:11 AM
To deepen your understanding of PE headers and executable packers, start by solidifying your grasp of the PE file format and program loading process. Look for simpler executable packer source codes like MPRESS or TinyPE, which are less complex than UPX. Analyzing and modifying these simpler packers will help you understand how they manipulate PE headers and compress sections. Utilize resources like Microsoft's PE and COFF Specification and tutorials on platforms like CodeProject. Experiment with small projects to test your knowledge and observe the effects of changes. This approach will build your foundation and prepare you for more complex tools.