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Process Lasso / Re: Process Lasso Pending Upda...
Last post by kundewayne - June 24, 2024, 03:14:41 AM
Because some users keep it on Performance Mode all the time, it's hard to associate it with any one run in particular.
Even after the rebuild finishes, the firmware file may still be corrupted, as shown by the checksum issues you're experiencing during firmware upload.
Process Lasso / Re: Hi everyone
Last post by waderatke - June 24, 2024, 03:01:18 AM
Quote from: Wersed on April 09, 2024, 11:19:04 PMHi everyone, I just downloaded Process Lasso v9.0.0.290 and Parkcontrol today, but everything is just greek to me. I don't understand which options to select and the possible things i can do in order to make my game (dota 2) run more smoothly and efficiently. I have searched the forums, but i was only able to find guides for older versions of PL, so i am not sure if certain things are the same as this current version (v9.0.0.290) of PL. I am a newbee, so a step-by-step would be great! Thank you in advance!
Don't worry, I'm here to assist you get started with version While the interface may appear intimidating at first, I will walk you through the procedure step by step.

Process Lasso / Re: Cpu % info
Last post by Peppo - June 24, 2024, 02:38:15 AM
I found a further imperfection

from the icon in the tray, right click, stop the governor: when it is reactivated the "crossed out" icon remains and when passing with the mouse the governor disabled warning appears (be careful the engine is not running) but it works and has been reactivated
the imperfection appears in both English and Italian
Process Lasso / Re: [Suggestion] Process Lasso...
Last post by Coldblackice - June 23, 2024, 01:26:16 AM
Looks great! I actually was going to suggest re-labeling it to "CCD" (or adding it in parentheses at least) since that's what most of these users will see/know, but looks like you already changed it.

In this same vein, given many of these users I've been seeing aren't the most technically proficient, it might be beneficial labeling/nicknaming the CCD to something like "3D-cache" (rather than merely "cache") or "Gaming" CCD, etc.

Other ideas:

  • When PL detects an X3D, when that user runs a game (since anyone who gets an X3D is surely using it for games in part or whole, vs. an AMD X CPU), PL shows a popup asking the user if they want PL to optimize their X3D for that game/gaming
  • It could even become a new mode, "Gaming Mode", similar to "Performance Mode" -- even if it does the same as "Performance Mode" -- to cater to subset of users who won't be technically inclined enough to know or care to learn the distinctions.

    Likewise, a simple way of knowing which processes are games without having a list or doing API lookups is watching any child processes Steam.exe spawns
  • "Game Mode" could likewise:
    • (Optionally) Increase game priority
    • Disable core parking
    • Pop up a list of active CPU/RAM/disk-consuming processes which may impact the game's performance (if averaging X usage of Y resource)
    • Checkboxes beside each resource-eating process for quick-closing, excluding system procs obviously, though perhaps a tooltip detailing which system Service/Task it belongs to, leaving it to the user to investigate and take action on their own or not

Also, just for reference, even as I've been writing this response, I just saw yet another example of scenario I've seen again and again and again happening across tech forums/Discords/Reddit/IRC/etc. on this subject:

X3D Users + Process Lasso_6.22.2024.jpg

So there definitely exists a subset of user demographic who would benefit from this additional gamer ease-of-use functionality!
Process Lasso / Re: Advice appreciated
Last post by SCHERLOCK - June 22, 2024, 06:24:55 PM
General / Re: Advice appreciated
Last post by SCHERLOCK - June 22, 2024, 06:13:22 PM
Tough build , runs great , next time I want led lights , i'll use a board with the headers . 6 Razor led controllers for fan lights , Corsair commander for the case , Asus for the ram, signal rgb runs most , and 6 fan speed controllers .

Went for both worlds ,SAGE mobo gives great functionality but has no show off options

Can't wait for 5000 series of video cards

Process Lasso / Re: Cpu % info
Last post by Peppo - June 22, 2024, 01:22:48 PM
I also found this small incorrectness for the Italian, which I report with the possible correction.

For better or for worse this function is also interesting, it is a pity that even if it is activated,
there is not or does not appear, a change of state (in the priority column)
for the foreground application (can be seen by dual screen, or by keeping in separate windows),
as I suppose it should be, even if I could be wrong
Process Lasso / Re: Process lasso workaround n...
Last post by airstrident - June 19, 2024, 10:40:21 PM
While the game is running, check Task Manager or another monitoring tool to determine whether your CPU or memory consumption is unusually high. High resource consumption might cause freezing. If you notice spikes, consider eliminating superfluous background apps or lowering in-game settings.
Process Lasso / Re: [Suggestion] Process Lasso...
Last post by Jeremy Collake - June 19, 2024, 11:25:10 AM
Here's a start as of v14.2.0.1 beta. I understand your suggestion goes beyond this, and more work is planned.

(1) GUI: Demarcate cache centric CPU cores in context menus with an appendage (amd-x3d)
(1) GUI: Add 'Freq' and 'Cache' core selection buttons on the CPU affinity and sets dialogs (amd-x3d)