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Windows 10 (Preview)

Started by BenYeeHua, September 30, 2014, 08:37:11 PM

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This is what you can check, or just download tomorrow and check for yourself. ;)

Look like the modern apps support windowed now, they also changed the Full Screen start menu to Tablet mode.
CMD support shortcut like CTRL + V, Virtual Desktop and new Full Screen ALT + TAB(not sure people will like this or not).
No news for how to combine the Classic and Modern Settings, so I hope it will not be too bad.

And also maximized the space by making the window border become much smaller than Win 8, of cause you can change it now even if you don't wanna install Windows 10.

It look like they also has much faster update rate for Preview, not sure it will also coming to Release version or not.
QuoteWindows 10 helps keep customers secure and up to date

Windows 10 will be delivered in a way that gives more choice and flexibility to businesses. As a result, a business can pick the speed of innovation that is right for each group of its users, rather than apply a one size fits all solution.

Businesses will be able to opt-in to the fast-moving consumer pace, or lock-down mission critical environments to receive only security and critical updates to their systems. And businesses will have an in-between option for systems that aren’t mission critical, but need to keep pace with the latest innovations without disrupting the flow of business. And the choice isn’t one or the other for businesses; we expect that most will require a mixed approach where a number of scenarios can be accommodated.

Consumers, and opt-in businesses, will be able to take advantage of the latest updates as soon as they are available, delivered via Windows Update. Business customers can segment their own user groups, and choose the model and pace that works for them. They will have more choice in how they consume updates, whether through Windows Update or in a managed environment. And for all scenarios, security and critical updates will be delivered on a monthly basis.

Anyways, no Aero, the start menu also don't look like they has a transparent too, and the Taskbar is transparent like Win 8.

But the Taskbar will always be there now, until you start a Full Screen "EXE" apps, I think.
(Modern Apps will also getting the Taskbar showing below when it is Tablet mode, so it is just a maximize the Modern apps without Titlebar only)
Not sure they will disable the ability to hide the Taskbar for Full Screen apps or not.
(Of cause it will always be gone for Game)
And ya, they also updated the Icon for Windows Explorer, This PC, Desktop, Favorites and Networks etc..., it look "Modern" now.
But not the other like download folder etc, they still using the old icon.

The Windows Explorer also has a new "Home", you can see it on this time, and you might start disable the Frequency List for your private now, or your friend can just open the Explorer to check for your file much more easy than now(which is hidden very well and always be forgotten). ;D
I also wonder how will Windows Defender become, much stronger or much more protection?


And, it is released, but the ISO size look strange, it is difference than the website provided.... ???
You need outlook to join, but you can also just download the ISO directly from other website, and it may not support local account like the Windows 8.1 Preview, so....

They also provided SHA1 to validate the file, so remember to validate it after download complete. ;)
Just checked awhile, look like you don't need to join the program to download and install, so... ::)


All I want to know is what happened to Win9 ?  ;D
Bitsum QA Engineer


Based on Google, people that working for MS said that, it is because many software detect Windows 9* as Windows 9x and causing compatibility issues, so they forced to rename it as Windows 10. ;)
And ya, keep in mind that if you upgrade your os to this preview, you has bigger chance to lost your APP when Win 10 RTM is out.
So it is better that you install it as another OS. :)

This is what's happen to Windows 8.1 Preview, so it may happen to Windows 10 preview as well.
QuoteYou can download the update for free from the Windows Store. You'll be able to keep your personal files, but you'll need to reinstall your apps. Make sure you have any original installation media that might be required for apps that were not installed from the Windows Store.


QuoteWindows 10技术é¢,,览版本次在å†...核部分æ¯"较大çš,,一个æ"¹åŠ¨ï¼Œæ˜¯å°†å·²ç»æœ‰20多年历史çš,,å†...æ ¸Win32k系统进行了代码重æž,,,并将å...¶ä¸€åˆ†ä¸ºä¸‰ã€,Win32k是Windows窗口系统çš,,å†...核部分,管理着系统çš,,窗口显示、屏幕è¾"出、消息传é€'、é"®ç›˜é¼ æ ‡è§¦æ'¸çš,,è¾"å...¥è¾"出等ç"¨æˆ·äº¤äº'部分,同时也åŒ...括了图形设备接口å'Œä¸ºDirectX提供çš,,接口封è£...ã€,本次Windows10技术é¢,,览版中ç"¨æˆ·æ,,Ÿå—到çš,,ç"¨æˆ·ç•Œé¢çš,,ä½"验与性能çš,,大å¹...提升,可能就与该系统çš,,重æž,,密不可分ã€,

éƒ'文彬分析称,Windows10技术é¢,,览版上Win32k系统çš,,重æž,,也为微软带来了新çš,,安å...¨æŒ'战,此前Win32k系统就被称为微软å†...核中漏洞最多安å...¨æ€§æœ€å·®çš,,ç»,,件,曾有一个å†...核补丁修复了30个Win32kå†...核漏洞çš,,记录,此次重æž,,后对Windowså†...核安å...¨æ€§æ˜¯æå‡è¿˜æ˜¯é™ä½Žï¼Œæ˜¯å¦ä¼šå¼•å...¥æ›´å¤šçš,,漏洞还需要å...¨çƒçš,,安å...¨ä¸"家进行进一步çš,,ç "究å'Œè¯,,ä¼°ã€,

本次Windows10技术é¢,,览版也带来了一些新çš,,æ"ä½œç³»ç»Ÿçº§åº•å±,安å...¨æœºåˆ¶ï¼Œä¾‹å¦,开启了曾在Windows 8.1æ³,,露版中被å'现,在正式版中被å...³é—­çš,,执行流控制防护(CFG),可能会为é'ˆå¯¹Windows 10技术é¢,,览版çš,,ç"¨æˆ·æ€æ¼æ´žæ"»å‡»æé«˜ä¸€å®šçš,,门槛ã€,

éƒ'文彬同时指出,Windows 10技术é¢,,览版中å†...æ ¸çš,,重æž,,也为安å...¨è½¯ä»¶æ"¯æŒWindows10技术é¢,,览版带了一些技术困难,ç"±äºŽå¤§éƒ¨åˆ†å...·å¤‡å®Œæ•´ä¸»åŠ¨é˜²å¾¡åŠŸèƒ½çš,,安å...¨è½¯ä»¶éƒ½éœ€è¦é'ˆå¯¹Win32k系统进行å¤,,理以便实现é'ˆå¯¹UIæ"»å‡»çš,,防护,此次æ"¹åŠ¨å¯¼è‡´å®‰å...¨åŽ,商不得不修æ"¹ä¸€äº›æœºåˆ¶æ¥é€,åº"重æž,,后çš,,win32k系统,一些技术实力不足,å†...核代码考è™'欠佳çš,,安å...¨åŽ,商ç"šè‡³åœ¨Windows10技术é¢,,览版上直接è"å±ã€,
Hmm, based on the news, it look like Windows 10 reconstruct the Win32k, and also enabled CFG(I don't found the full name of it, but it has been in Windows 8.1 Preview before...)
I guess reconstruct the Win32k is also because of DirectX12?