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Фирма СПЕЦ Балкон предлагает услуги по остеклению, утеплению и ремонту балконов в Спб. Мы специализируемся именно на балконах, что даёт нам сосредоточиться на качестве и скорости выполнения работы. При оформлении заказа на сайте остекления и отделки «под ключ» мы предоставляем скидку в 10 %. Уже сейчас переходите на наш веб портал и оставляйте заявку.
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Process Lasso / Re: Process Lasso Error on Aff...
Last post by Jason967 - Today at 06:17:49 AM
It seems you are having problems with the Lasso process and resource management on your computer. You've experimented with prioritizing specific apps like New World and Battlefield 2142, but didn't get the results you expected.
Process Lasso / Re: My E-cores makes me crazy
Last post by Manuel - Yesterday at 03:15:36 PM
Quote from: Jeremy Collake on Yesterday at 02:52:35 PMI imagine the SCIA developers would be responsive to this issue. Is there a reason to believe they won't be?

I'm pretty sure the developers are working on the problem, but it's already been 9 months since I reported this behavior to tech support and nothing has changed yet... they say it's going to be a long job.

I decided a couple of months ago that I would make do somehow and that's why I bought the Process Lasso license, I was sure I would be able to improve something.

I'll stay tuned to this discussion in case anything new comes along!

Thanks again Jeremy

Process Lasso / Re: My E-cores makes me crazy
Last post by Jeremy Collake - Yesterday at 02:52:35 PM
Quote from: ManuelDo you think this is a problem only with SCIA (and therefore I was very unlucky) or have you observed this behavior before in some other software?

It is very rare, but similar problems are not unheard of. Some legacy games, for instance, don't cope well with too many CPU cores.

Quote from: ManuelYou write that you will have to think about the solution... do you think it can be found without rewriting the software code of SCIA?

No elegantly. It would require API hooks and/or code patches to alter the behavior of the application.

I imagine the SCIA developers would be responsive to this issue. Is there a reason to believe they won't be?
Process Lasso / Re: My E-cores makes me crazy
Last post by Manuel - Yesterday at 02:04:45 PM
(EDIT FROM JEREMY: I accidentally edited this post while replying and lost much of its original content)

Do you think this is a problem only with SCIA (and therefore I was very unlucky) or have you observed this behavior before in some other software?

You write that you will have to think about the solution... do you think it can be found without rewriting the software code of SCIA?
Process Lasso / Re: My E-cores makes me crazy
Last post by Jeremy Collake - Yesterday at 12:35:24 PM
After some experimentation, I found that the problem is the core count, rather than E-cores.

This effect is best seen on the 7950X3D. Reducing the number of cores by 1/2 decreases the calculation time by over 90%.

7950 with all 16 cores enabled, SCIA launches 111 threads and I stopped it at 360 seconds.
7950 with 8 cores enabled, SCIA launches 66 threads and it completed in about 35 seconds.
Intel i5-12600k with all cores enabled was able to complete the calculation in 35 seconds.

It seems likely that SCIA is launching an unnecessarily high number of threads, resulting in synchronization overhead, contention and/or an excess of context switching, thereby substantially reducing performance.

This is why no CPU affinity (or other) rules in Process Lasso have much effect. What *does* have an effect is reducing the number of launched threads, but afaik SCIA is using a hard-coded formula to compute the number of threads to launch based on the available core count.

I'll have to chew on this further and consider ways to resolve it. Ideally, they adjust the application or expose a setting to control the thread count, if one isn't available already.
Process Lasso / Re: My E-cores makes me crazy
Last post by Matteo - Yesterday at 06:56:09 AM
Hi everyone,

I have the same problem on my device with this calculation software, SCIA Engineer v24.0. I really hope there can be positive news soon to solve it.
I am looking forward to your valuable support.

Thank you in advance.

General / Re: Any one up for a Newbie?
Last post by dallasflynn - Yesterday at 06:29:16 AM
When you have a specific question or issue you'd like assistance with, try to post it in the most relevant subsection or forum. This ensures your post gets seen by the right people who can provide the best guidance.
Process Lasso / Re: Cpu % info
Last post by Jeremy Collake - May 30, 2024, 03:24:39 PM
Quote from: Peppo on May 29, 2024, 04:13:59 PMThank you, the explanation helped me better understand some things about the program.
So there isn't a column where the CPU usage for the single application is displayed like in the status bar (which is global) to know the actual usage of the single application?

Correct, the per-process CPU Utility is not currently shown, only CPU Time. However, you can extrapolate from CPU Time your biggest consumers.
General / Re: Can't reconfigure the way ...
Last post by larkimpressive - May 29, 2024, 11:47:04 PM
I did not encounter this message during use. Is your browser blocking the execution of InstallHelper.exe?